GROUND BRANCH’s unique True First-Person System improves world immersion and awareness of your surroundings, providing zero disconnect between your view and your character’s physical presence in the environment. See your foot sticking out of cover? Better tuck it in enemies may be able to see it (and shoot it) too, but only if their line of sight and muzzle are verifiably unobstructed. Cameras are placed at the character’s eyes and bullets originate from the weapon’s muzzle. In GROUND BRANCH, what you see is what you get. Say goodbye to pre-defined kits and fully customize your character and gear from basic appearance and outfit to in-depth vest and weapon platform customization, down to individual pouch and attachment placement. What you bring to your mission is determined only by your loadout choice, with realistic consequences: With the upcoming encumbrance and stamina system, too much equipment will impact your character’s speed and performance; place a scope too forward on the rail and your sight picture will be too small; bring a long rifle into CQB and weapon collision may prove a hindrance